List Of Factory Made Components

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Images Name Cargo Capacity Storage Shelf Pallet Shelf
Paper Bag 1000 16,000 60,000
Ceramic Mug 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Earbuds 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Headphones 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Smartphone 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Smartwatch 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Snow Globe Base 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Snow Globe Figure 300 4,800 18,000
Carbonated Beer 60 960 3,600
Brewed Coffee 60 960 3,600
Blended Margarita 60 960 3,600
Blended Martini 60 960 3,600
Carbonated Soda 60 960 3,600
Fermented Whisky 60 960 3,600
Fermented Wine 60 960 3,600
Polished Gems (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Gems (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Polished Gems (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Gems (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Ice Cream Mixture 300 4,800 18,000
Raw Fries 300 4,800 18,000
Plain Donut 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Cheese 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Lettuce 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Onion 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Pepper 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Tomato 300 4,800 18,000
Cooked Patty 300 4,800 18,000
Grilled Chicken 300 4,800 18,000
Grilled Sausage 300 4,800 18,000
Burger Bun 300 4,800 18,000
Laminated Dough 300 4,800 18,000
Hotdog Bun 300 4,800 18,000
Raw Pizza 300 4,800 18,000
Plain Cupcake 300 4,800 18,000
Cupcake Batter 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Classic Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Classic Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Modern Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Modern Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Glass Dome (Small) 100 1,600 6,000
Screen (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000
Screen (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Tequila 60 960 3,600
Triple Sec 60 960 3,600
Gin 60 960 3,600
Butter 300 4,800 18,000
Fermented Beer 60 960 3,600
Dressing 300 4,800 18,000
Frosting 300 4,800 18,000
Ketchup 300 4,800 18,000
Marinade 300 4,800 18,000
Tomato Paste 300 4,800 18,000
Circuit Board (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Circuit Board (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000
Audio Module (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Audio Module (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000