List Of Goods & Services

Business Type:

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Images Name Cargo Capacity Storage Shelf Pallet Shelf Furniture
Bag of Apples 300 4,800 18,000 Wooden Product Crate (50)
Baking Mix 300 4,800 18,000
Bag of Bananas 300 4,800 18,000 Wooden Product Crate (50)
Barley 150 2,400 9,000
Battery 300 4,800 18,000
Beer 50 800 3,000 Drinks Shelf (80)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter) (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter Wooden) (50)
Blended Margarita 60 960 3,600
Blended Martini 60 960 3,600
Blue Agave 150 2,400 9,000
Bottle of Wine 25 400 1,500 Wine Shelf (72)
Brewed Coffee 60 960 3,600
Burger 300 4,800 18,000 Industrial Grill (100)
Burger Bun 300 4,800 18,000
Butter 300 4,800 18,000
Capacitors 300 4,800 18,000
Carbonated Beer 60 960 3,600
Carbonated Soda 60 960 3,600
Carbon Dioxide 1500 24,000 90,000
Bag of Carrots 300 4,800 18,000 Wooden Product Crate (50)
Ceramic Mug 300 4,800 18,000
Flower (Cheap) 40 640 2,400 Display Stand (Tiered Product) (40)
Rounded Shelf (40)
Gift (Cheap) 200 3,200 12,000 Rounded Shelf (200)
Product Panel (100)
Jewelry (Cheap) 50 800 3,000 Jewelry Floor Showcase (50)
Cheese 300 4,800 18,000
Chicken Breast 300 4,800 18,000
Cigar 300 4,800 18,000 Tobacco Shelf (Large) (600)
Tobacco Shelf (Medium) (500)
Tobacco Shelf (Small) (400)
Pack of Cigarettes 300 4,800 18,000 Tobacco Shelf (Large) (600)
Tobacco Shelf (Medium) (500)
Tobacco Shelf (Small) (400)
Cigarette Paper 3000 48,000 180,000
Cigar Paper 3000 48,000 180,000
Clothing (Classic Cheap Female) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Classic Cheap Male) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Classic Expensive Female) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Classic Expensive Male) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clay 300 4,800 18,000
Coat Check Fee 1 16 60
Cola Flavoring 1500 24,000 90,000
Cooked Patty 300 4,800 18,000
Copper Clad Laminate 300 4,800 18,000
Cream 300 4,800 18,000
Croissant 300 4,800 18,000 Bakery Showcase (100)
Cupcake 300 4,800 18,000 Bakery Showcase (100)
Cupcake Batter 300 4,800 18,000
Cup Of Coffee 300 4,800 18,000 Industrial Coffee Machine (300)
Cut Fabric (Classic Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Classic Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Modern Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Fabric (Modern Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Gems (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Cut Gems (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Donut 300 4,800 18,000 Bakery Showcase (100)
Dough 300 4,800 18,000
Dressing 300 4,800 18,000
Noize Boss Earbuds 32 512 1,920 Display Table (16)
Flower (Expensive) 25 400 1,500 Display Stand (Tiered Product) (25)
Rounded Shelf (25)
Gift (Expensive) 200 3,200 12,000 Rounded Shelf (200)
Jewelry (Expensive) 50 800 3,000 Jewelry Floor Showcase (50)
Fabric (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Fabric (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Fermented Beer 60 960 3,600
Fermented Whisky 60 960 3,600
Fermented Wine 60 960 3,600
French Fries 400 6,400 24,000 Industrial Fryer Machine (200)
Fresh Food 50 800 3,000 Industrial Fridge (50)
Frosting 300 4,800 18,000
Frozen Food 50 800 3,000 Industrial Freezer (Small) (50)
Industrial Freezer (100)
Gin 60 960 3,600
Glass 300 4,800 18,000
Grapes 150 2,400 9,000
Grilled Chicken 300 4,800 18,000
Grilled Sausage 300 4,800 18,000
Ground Beef 300 4,800 18,000
Ground Coffee Beans 150 2,400 9,000
Gym Cover Charge 1 16 60
Hair Care Product 40 640 2,400 Hairdresser Shelf (40)
Hair Chemical / Color Fee 1 16 60
Hair Cutting Fee 1 16 60
Hair Shampooing & Blowout Fee 1 16 60
Hair Styling Fee 1 16 60
Rhythm By Tre Headphones 16 256 960 Display Table (16)
Hops 150 2,400 9,000
Hotdog 300 4,800 18,000 Hotdog Grill (100)
Hotdog Bun 300 4,800 18,000
Graphic Designer Fee (Hourly) 1 16 60
Lawyer Fee (Hourly) 1 16 60
Programmer Fee (Hourly) 1 16 60
Ice Cream 300 4,800 18,000 Ice Cream Counter (150)
Industrial Freezer (Small) (60)
Industrial Freezer (150)
Ice Cream Mixture 300 4,800 18,000
Integrated Circuits 300 4,800 18,000
Juniper Berries 150 2,400 9,000
Chicken Kabob Skewer 200 3,200 12,000 Industrial Grill (100)
Ketchup 300 4,800 18,000
Laminated Dough 300 4,800 18,000
Bag of Lettuce 150 2,400 9,000 Wooden Product Crate (25)
Lime Juice 150 2,400 9,000
Limited Edition Book 60 960 3,600 Bookshelf (60)
Bookshelf (Large) (180)
Margarita 50 800 3,000 Drinks Shelf (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter) (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter Wooden) (50)
Marinade 300 4,800 18,000
Martini 50 800 3,000 Drinks Shelf (70)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter) (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter Wooden) (50)
Audio Module (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000
Circuit Board (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000
Screen (Medium) 300 4,800 18,000
Metal Band 300 4,800 18,000
Microphone 300 4,800 18,000
Milk 300 4,800 18,000
Clothing (Modern Cheap Female) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Modern Cheap Male) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Modern Expensive Female) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Clothing (Modern Expensive Male) 50 800 3,000 Clothing Rack (50)
Clothing Rack (Angled) (25)
Molded Earbuds 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Headphones 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Smartphone 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Smartwatch 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Snow Globe Base 300 4,800 18,000
Molded Snow Globe Figure 300 4,800 18,000
Motivational Book 60 960 3,600 Bookshelf (60)
Bookshelf (Large) (180)
Nightclub Weekday Cover Charge 1 16 60
Nightclub Weekend Cover Charge 1 16 60
Novel 60 960 3,600 Bookshelf (60)
Bookshelf (Large) (180)
Onion 300 4,800 18,000
Orange Peels 150 2,400 9,000
Paper Bag 1000 16,000 60,000
Bag of Pears 300 4,800 18,000 Wooden Product Crate (50)
Pepper 300 4,800 18,000
Picture Book 90 1,440 5,400 Bookshelf (90)
Bookshelf (Large) (270)
Pizza 120 1,920 7,200 Pizza Oven (60)
Plain Cupcake 300 4,800 18,000
Plain Donut 300 4,800 18,000
Plastic 300 4,800 18,000
Polished Gems (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Polished Gems (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Raw Fries 300 4,800 18,000
Raw Pizza 300 4,800 18,000
Raw Sausage 300 4,800 18,000
Resistors 300 4,800 18,000
Russet Potatoes 300 4,800 18,000
Salad 350 5,600 21,000 Salad Bar (350)
Sliced Cheese 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Lettuce 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Onion 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Pepper 300 4,800 18,000
Sliced Tomato 300 4,800 18,000
Audio Module (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Circuit Board (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Glass Dome (Small) 100 1,600 6,000
Screen (Small) 300 4,800 18,000
Arty Fish Phone 24 384 1,440 Display Table (8)
ZanaMan Phone 24 384 1,440 Display Table (8)
ZanaMan Smartwatch 32 512 1,920 Display Table (16)
Arty Fish Smartwatch 32 512 1,920 Display Table (16)
Soda Can 120 1,920 7,200 Drinks Fridge (120)
Drinks Fridge (Large) (360)
Speaker 300 4,800 18,000
Sugar 3000 48,000 180,000
Technical Manual 60 960 3,600 Bookshelf (60)
Bookshelf (Large) (180)
Tequila 60 960 3,600
Tobacco 300 4,800 18,000
Bag of Tomatoes 300 4,800 18,000 Wooden Product Crate (50)
Tomato Paste 300 4,800 18,000
Transistors 300 4,800 18,000
Triple Sec 60 960 3,600
Uncut Gems (Cheap) 300 4,800 18,000
Uncut Gems (Expensive) 300 4,800 18,000
Vermouth 150 2,400 9,000
Vinaigrette 300 4,800 18,000
Water 150 2,400 9,000
Whisky 50 800 3,000 Drinks Shelf (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter) (50)
Cocktail Bar (Drinks Counter Wooden) (50)
Yeast 150 2,400 9,000
Youth Novel 90 1,440 5,400 Bookshelf (90)
Bookshelf (Large) (270)