
Table of contents:

1# How to do a normal custom business icon?
2# How to do fully custom business icons withouth a colour border?

How do I use a custom business icon?

You will have to go to Bizman > Select your business > Settings > Customize logo


Then click the button 'Browse files'.


A file explorer window will now pop up in the location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Hovgaard Games\Big Ambitions\CustomIcons .
You will have to drag your custom business logo in this folder.


The following settings are advised:

  • .png format (MANDATORY)
  • 512 x 512 resolution

It will scale resolutions in game, so if you don't have the resolution 512x512 it will still work.
However if your image is NOT a .png filetype it will NOT work!

Press 'Refresh' when you don't see the images appear in the list.
Once it appears in the list, simply select it and it will appear in the bottom.


You clicked on the image and now in the bottom it's just a black square?


Change your logo colour from black to white and it will appear!


Make sure to press the button 'Save logo changes'


Now go outside and look at that new cool sign!


How to do fully custom business icons withouth a colour border?

You will have to go to the location where your savegame is kept on the computer.

Windos: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Hovgaard Games\Big Ambitions\SaveGames
MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Hovgaard Games/Big Ambitions/

Make sure to click the folder of the latest EA branch. Then you will see folders like this if you have multiple save games.

You can use the search function to type the name of your store and then it will find it, in case you have multiple save games.
In my case I'm looking for the store GIFTS4YOU.


Go into your store folder and you'll see 3 images.

Billboard.jpg with a dimension of 1024x1024
SquareSign.jpg with a dimension of 1024x1024
WideSign.jpg with a dimension of 1024x150

Now you can edit those images to your liking so you can create fully custom banners for your store withouth the big colour border around it!
If you changed the icons while the game was running, you'll need to restart the game to see the new changed images for your store. And if you are really into it, you can customise the banners for the AI store's aswell. You simply open the folder of the AI store name and change the 3 images in the folder accordingly.

